By Anonymous - 27/04/2013 04:11 - United States

Today, I was getting ready to have sex with my boyfriend for the first time. It seems he thought I was a much larger cup size than I really am, because when he saw my actual boobs, he said, "Aaaaaaand they're gone". FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 666
You deserved it 15 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, were you wearing a ridiculous push-up bra with a ton of padding? If so, can't really blame him for being surprised. If not and he's just really bad at judging size then that sucks...I'm betting it's more the former though.

You should have put your hand down his pants and reciprocated the favour.


Score for the South Park comment, misleading cleavage and bust size tends to come back on you

Maybe you were wearing a bra too padded or something. But guys can generally be so stupid. This one guy was talking about how this girl is so hot and she's at least a D cup... 'That girl' was a close friend and she is barely a B cup haha lmao and no she doesn't stuff or wear push up bras

I'm surprised he never has touched them.

Glitterbaby2613 20

it's almost as disappointing as buying a half full bag of chips🤣🤣🤣 don't false advertise girls, be glad with what you got