By Anonymous - 27/04/2013 04:11 - United States

Today, I was getting ready to have sex with my boyfriend for the first time. It seems he thought I was a much larger cup size than I really am, because when he saw my actual boobs, he said, "Aaaaaaand they're gone". FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 666
You deserved it 15 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, were you wearing a ridiculous push-up bra with a ton of padding? If so, can't really blame him for being surprised. If not and he's just really bad at judging size then that sucks...I'm betting it's more the former though.

You should have put your hand down his pants and reciprocated the favour.


Lmao that's awesome you boyfriends a southpark fan "aaaaaannd it's gone"

Sorry, OP! Your guy should have been more interested in admiring your boobs than quoting a meme.

Thats the thing about padded bras, thats why i don't wear bras that often

Notyours007 9

Op I'm sorry that he said that, it was a dick move but at that point say, "I thought you were seven inches, Im seeing about three and wondering where the rest ran off to".

Bunny21 11

This is the moment you look at his penis and say, "Sooo...where is it?"

rinoa_fml 10

My guess is that she was on her back and that her boobs had sunk into her armpits. Because that's what natural boobs do.

bigdfootball97 24

The magic of the push-up bra...

If I were you, I would have called his dick small and walked out right there! He sounds like a douche...