By Anonymous - 28/03/2009 20:18 - United States

Today, I was getting sick of listening to the guy in the next room over getting nasty with some girl, so I called my girlfriend to see if she wanted to go get some food. Then I heard her phone ring. Through the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 596
You deserved it 46

Top comments

TheEmoPrepGirl 0

Ouch! Dump her and get on with your life!

bioclock 0

I hope you knocked on your neighbor's door and dumped the bitch right then and there.


#97 I agree that what #35 said was way out of line but much of that post was really unnecessary. To the OP, could you tell if it was her ringtone? It might have just been a coincidence, but if not then I'm really sorry. No one should have to experience that.

SittingInTheSky 6

Who doesn't know their other half's ring tone? My exes was Judas by Lady Gaga... he doesn't even like that song but he put it on cos it reminded hm of me...

lol.... im a sad person and read all these comments.... all i have to say is... LOL

hmmmm......Real? Fake? This is a hard one, people dont give the full story, did he hang up and then ring again to see if it happened again?. That would have surely been the most logical action to determine if it was his girlfriend getting it on with the guy next door. And what is it with all these women cheating on they're guys?

F U 46. Santa is gonna rape you for Xmas.

ouch bro. 108 is some what true though. need to take care of her if you guys are still together..and find out who that guy is and beat the hell outa him

HahahaThatsFunny 0

What is with all these cheating people ?

If I were you, I would have gone and knocked on your neighbor's door and dumped her right then and there.

my mouth dropped open when i read this. so sorry for your loss

wickedsick 0

#114 - Sorry for his loss? You make sound like someone died. Terrible thing to happen to someone though. I honestly didn't see that one coming. [ Pun not intended ]