By thisrllysucks - 05/09/2009 14:16 - United States

Today, I was going to ask this girl I love to homecoming. I set up a scavenger hunt, and my friend led her through it. At the end of the scavenger hunt I had a note that said, "Homecoming?" She said yes and hugged my friend. When I told her it was me who was asking, she laughed and said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 705
You deserved it 10 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have just asked her instead of doing a scavenger hunt. And you should have led her on the hunt yourself at least. YDI

Ugh that's harsh. I'm sorry that happened.


Can't you just ask her? And do do the whole shot hunt thing?

Should ask your girl friend to do it or maybe you should be brave to do it!

FkThisLife 6

Hey cheer up BRO atleast you'll still be at HOME COMING!!!!

Why did u let ur friend lead it though? Isn't it kinda ambiguous?

branmuffin92 10

I don't know Why but I imagined this girl as kaley cuoco...

aw no that's really sad, I would have taken her through it instead of my friend to not confuse her though lol

Next time have a friend that's uglier than you do it

Only thing that could make it worse is if your friend went with her anyway.

You "love" a girl you're not even dating?