By caroline - 06/02/2009 15:29 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. When he was about to orgasm, he screamed "Yes Brittany!" at the top of his lungs. My name's not Brittany. That's his sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 793
You deserved it 55


lakers4ever 0

what if he thought his sister asked him something and he meant to say yes brittany?!?!

xx_blonde 0

Haha(: my name is Brittany! LOL, that's wrong. He's either cheating or... I don't wanna go there!

unluckycunt 0

You used ****** in the wrong tense,u have don't ******.

fmlfan1995 0

thats how you get sickle syndrom

FmLtOyOu 0

Maybe it's a different Brittany but that's still bad he yelled a totally different name