By anonymous - 19/02/2011 13:12 - United States

Today, I was having the best sex with my husband, and right when I reached climax, he shouted "Abracadabra!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 074
You deserved it 7 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

now I'll never think of the word "abracadabra" the same way


HavinggreatsexLAD. This almost made my night. Sad, sad life I have :(

UpsidedownKayak 9

"Today, I was having the best sex with my husband, and I reached climax" is how I read this. You totally deserve it. I am guessing that you are running around bragging to everyone. Now, stop throwing it in our faces!

Sodahpop 0

lol jealous much u 40 year old virgin??

atomheartm_fml 0

No, he's right, there's like a million ****** FMLs and well after a while they become pointless.

doryoku 7

lmfaooo oh wow people these days :P

Mk let me get this straight, you're going to complain about having amazing sex and getting your ****** because he said something funny? Get a sense of humor for christs sake sex is suppose to be fun not serious 24/7 o_O YDI for complaining like a wuss.

No, what he did was perform a disappearing act as he got up and went to grab a beer and just before he stepped out the door you could hear him whisper... *Alakazam*

Whorebiscuits 4

That must have been a magical moment in bed. he must have cast a spell in you. At least his wand wasn't malfunctioning, and it was amazing

If my boyfriend would say that while climaxing i'd be his bj-slave for a year.

that was supposed to be a reply on a comment.