By neverbeenkissed - 03/07/2009 20:09 - United States

Today, I was helping my friend with her little sister's birthday party. We were playing a game where you get up and switch seats if you've done a certain thing. One girl said to switch if you've kissed a boy. I watched as 18 12-year-olds switched seats with each other. I stayed sitting. I'm 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 143
You deserved it 9 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Singularity_fml 0

Aww, you're just waiting for a good person to come along. =) Don't worry, your life's not f*****.

falleninlove21 0

thats really not so bad...i have a friend thats 22 that hasn't kissed a boy. dont think of it as a bad thing...she doesn't. the right guy just hasn't come along yet :) a first kiss should be special


audioandmurder 0

Don't sweat it. Twelve year-olds think they're the shit nowadays. And I'm sure it won't be long until you have your first kiss.

Awwww. I'll kiss ya. |^_^" Kisses are fun.

You know what I just realized? There are 6 year olde cussing, 8 year olde going out, and now even people young as 12 are getting pregnet even more commonly ( there's a girl in my school who got a abortion and I read a time magizine artical about 12-17 year olds getting pregnet) so WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO?!?!

dore 0

To everyone saying that you should wait for the right person because the first time is really special: It's not your first time with anyone that counts. When you have a truly special kiss with someone you love you tend to forget the specifics about what happened in past relationships, and the first time with that person is what sticks out in your mind.

thelonelylurker 0

They're probably just lying, the little *****.

Hehe. Something LIKE this happened to me too. We were playing that game, which, by the way is called "The Big Wind Blows." Anyway, I was playing with a bunch of younger people. The person in the middle said "The big wind blows for anybody who's had a boyfriend." I was the only one who remained seated.

zach5 0

Ouch that must suck 4 u FYL

chococool223 0

There is nothing wrong with being a late bloomer. Even though I was always one step ahead in life (:p) I don't think there is anything wrong with being a late in life. And don't worry, the 12-year-olde were all probably lying to seem cool or accomplished.

CosmicJordyn22 0

okay having your first at a young age isn't slutty. most people feeling love when they are young. just because they had their first doesn't mean they had sex.