By neverbeenkissed - 03/07/2009 20:09 - United States

Today, I was helping my friend with her little sister's birthday party. We were playing a game where you get up and switch seats if you've done a certain thing. One girl said to switch if you've kissed a boy. I watched as 18 12-year-olds switched seats with each other. I stayed sitting. I'm 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 143
You deserved it 9 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Singularity_fml 0

Aww, you're just waiting for a good person to come along. =) Don't worry, your life's not f*****.

falleninlove21 0

thats really not so bad...i have a friend thats 22 that hasn't kissed a boy. dont think of it as a bad thing...she doesn't. the right guy just hasn't come along yet :) a first kiss should be special


I don't think kissing at 12 is a bad thing. I don't think it should go further, of course. I'm nearly 17 and haven't been kissed, except in truth-or-dare and spin the bottle. I don't count those. I'm sorry you had to hang around with all those 12-year-olds, though, and play games with them. I know how frustrating it can be, even without kissing involved :/ PS This is one of my favorite FMLs. Most of these commenters are supportive :] I even clicked your life is f*cked instead of my usual you deserved it ;p

I agree, I like that everyone is actually being supportive, it makes me feel better. OP- I'm almost 16 and I have never kissed a boy, but I know that when I do it will be special. I'm not ugly or fat or anything, just shy. Don't worry your chance will come and when it does it will be regret-free unlike the 12 year olds. PS: look on the bright side, at least you played this game with 12 year olds who you shouldn't care how they feel about you. and you probably made the girls who also stayed sitting feel better about themselves and reassure them that it is fine not to have your first kiss so young.

fi3ldhock3ybab33 8

Don't worry I'm 14 n haven't kissed a guy yet I'm waiting for the right one to come along because a first kiss is special! I know tons of girls who have kissed guys n I know tons that haven't! It's not a big deal really!!

I know 12 year olds who give each other ******** in the bathroom!! No joke!!! I saw it, it was disgusting!!!

There are way too many young kids frequenting this website.

I didn't kiss a guy until I was 21. And you know what? He turned out to be a jerk who didn't respect me. I haven't kissed a guy since, and I'm 26 now. I'm waiting for one who is NOT a jerk to come along. :)

tjd13 0

if i were you i would have just gotten up to prevent embaressmant

Are u that ugly I'm sorry but that's pathetic

GabriLee 0

What makes you think that she is ugly? Maybe she's just a quiet girl that isn't noticed so much in High school because she's not one of the popular girls? There are plenty of beautiful girls that don't get noticed because they aren't cheer captain or something stupid like that. My two best friends didn't kiss until they were seventeen. They're both pretty, so just stop with the ugly comments. It just makes you sound dumb. OP, don't feel bad. My first kiss was at 12 and it was nothing special. A lot of the time, I tell myself it wasn't my first kiss because it didn't mean all that much to me. My next kiss wasn't until I was 17, and that was way more special than kissing at 12 was. Their kisses are meaningless. I think kissing before High School is pointless. Not everyone is going to have a Cory-and-Topanga relationship that lasts all the way from middle school. It just doesn't happen. Even long lasting High School relationships are a long shot. Forget about kissing because it's not worth feeling F***** about. The right guy will come and the time without him won't matter at all.

I have this friend. She is BEAUTIFUL and intelligent and a lot of guys loved her back in high school, especially this one. She didn't get her first kiss until last year, when she was 18. She was being picky (and really, had every right to be if you ask me). So don't assume the OP is ugly.

tiffanee 0

if you find someone that truly likes you, they will probably think it's cute that you haven't had your first kiss. i got mine when i was 16 and it was worth the wait. my boyfriend at the time thought it was really cute that i didn't have my first kiss yet and was really sweet about it. it actually worked out for me because i got a lot of practice out of it ;] haha

isolate7690 1

well you need to get on that