By Señor Guapo - 04/03/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I was in spanish class, having a debate about the death penalty. When I went to make a point, I meant to say "La pena de muerte", which means "The death penalty". I said, "La pene de muerte". Turns out that means, "The penis of death". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 729
You deserved it 45 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is hilarious and awesome! I wish I could have been there! Once, in Japanese, a classmate was trying to describe an elephant as 'big.' He ended up saying there was big rape. This sort of thing also reminds me of German with night vs. naked, lol.


orkyd 0

S'okay. In French today I mixed up the words for slaves and levels. As opposed to saying there are many levels in the catholic church, I said there were many slaves in the catholic church. I go to catholic school!

alwaysalady 0

Wear a rubber and you won't have to worry about that...

Taihen 0

@12: my best language goof ups are all with Japanese. My favorite would have to be someone saying "let's go eat president bush" instead of "let's go see president bush". That and someone saying he was an airplane instead of sick...

i have another one. someone was saying that her father (as in chichi) has a beard. She ended up saying that her breasts have beards. OP: omg I laughed so much at that one. FYL.

#55 - lol! Were you using a form of tabetemiru?

I don't understand what the problem is here. This is awesome.

kibblesnbits1053 0

You don't really deserve it, but I can't say your life is f*cked...maybe just kind of a bummer.

Oh MY!... the teacher would have laughed so much like i just did... "penis of death"... this is not a FML at all

Haha, that's like the time my teacher told us that "sobre" meant "about" and venir meant "to come." It turns out "sobrevenir" means to OVERCOME, but my friend Ria definitely raised her hand and told Mr. K it meant "to be about to come."