By wolfpacking - 02/02/2010 05:51 - France

Today, I was in the car with my friends. A techno song came on and we started fist-pumping. We hit a bump, I fist-pumped myself in the face, and crashed into a stop sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 145
You deserved it 54 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fist pump to techno??? ......................Sorry, I just can't even picture it. That's like headbanging to Frank Sinatra.

grimpow_fml 0


wandaax03 0

it's idiots like you that make the roads so dangerous. wow.

K_I_R_S_T_Y 0

Do you live in Texas? Because in my neighborhood we saw a bent stop sign...with tire tracks right beside it.....ironic?

wowbango 0

lol this is just too hillarious...

xDlove 0

That's whatcha get for fist pumping...

kayPandastyle 15

lol stop sign wins that Shiz was so funny I Lol'd so thanks alot. y'all had to have laughed at that after the fact!! and I agree a third party view would have been amazing fyl cuz ur car is dented now lol

kayPandastyle 15

ohh and all you idiots who keep askin if he's some guido from the shore can you effin read? OP Is from France durrrrrr!!

kourtny_rocks 0

the only reason that happend is because you where f*cking fist pumping to TECHNO MUSIC... can anyone else see anything wrong with that picture?!!? what the f*ck dude,

this one makes me laugh every time, hehe.

@160 idc how old this is but your a ******* retard. It vibrates, just from a computer. And even if it is repetitive, which a ton of sub genres of electronic music aren't, its still talented there are a million different tweaks you can do to one sound. I play multiple instruments. I also tried developing music on a computer with pro software and its 25x harder for me. Its different if you don't like a genre, I don't like country. Its still skillful though