By wolfpacking - 02/02/2010 05:51 - France

Today, I was in the car with my friends. A techno song came on and we started fist-pumping. We hit a bump, I fist-pumped myself in the face, and crashed into a stop sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 145
You deserved it 54 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fist pump to techno??? ......................Sorry, I just can't even picture it. That's like headbanging to Frank Sinatra.

grimpow_fml 0


ydi for bad music and acting like an ass.

viper2290 0

That is what you get for fist pumping

that's why you don't fistpump And drive at the same time.

WTF?! really, fist pumping to techno? that's like air guitaring to opera! >.

Consider yourself lucky that it was a stop sign and not a person.

pyrogirl6622 0

fist pumping is only for those dumb ***** on the jersey shore that plays on MTV.

MecAdrian 0

That's what you get for fistpumping