By Anonymous - 05/10/2010 18:33 - United States

Today, I was kicked out of class for having a coughing fit. Yesterday, I was kicked out of class for sleeping, a side effect of my cough suppressant. Three absents from this class and I automatically fail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 146
You deserved it 3 828

Pensu tells us more.

Pensu 12

No, I wasn't forcing the cough; I've got bronchitis, I just get coughing fits that last for a while and can't control them.

Top comments

perdix 29

Tomorrow, you'll get kicked out for drug possession. Three strikes and yooooooooouuuuu'rreee OUT!


yaysmile 0
JillianlikesVogu 0's your responsibility. Sure, you may not be able to help the cough, but sleeping? No excuse.

Did u not catch the part about the cough medicine knocked OP out. Being incoherent bcuz u'r drugged is an excuse. & the OP tried 2 prevent a repeat offense the 2nd day, so no preventing the cough & still got thrown out. There kinda is no winning 4 OP n this situation.

ok asswipe, lets feed you a couple pills that cause a side effect of extreme drwosiness, see how well you can stay awake. dont be a prick

ILovesMahBridge 0

That's why whenever i take pills with drowsiness side effects, i do some speed. On an unrelated note, I enjoy my bridge.

LamefaceLivi 0

falling asleep due to medicine side affects is not the kids fault genius.

RedPillSucks 31

@14 - Some cough medicines make you sleepy.

suck it up OP, drink some enegry drinks and go to class and balance out the meds

Fortuitous 0

Well I'm not sure about the OP's teachers, but mine are very strict about just saying that you're sick. They usually want a note from a doctor or parent. Well, the OP could have done that, too. So, I guess it could be her fault. If this girl is in high school, then she needs to learn to speak up.

perdix 29

Tomorrow, you'll get kicked out for drug possession. Three strikes and yooooooooouuuuu'rreee OUT!

chase711 0

omg... everyone is so annoying with the long comments! y'd you waste your time??? don't you have something better to do with your life than leaving 3-4 sentence long replies to stupid posts!!!

that's counter productive because yours is 6 or 7

Would it be better if everyone just posted "lol"? Get over it or get out. You can always scroll right on by the ones you don't want to read.

boatkicker 4

I'm amused that you consider 3 or 4 sentences "long."

That has to be one of the dumbest comments I have ever read.

ohthebloodygore 16

OC (original commenter) is forgetting that forums like these are the perfect place for commenters like us to hide behind a veil of anonymity and express our true innermost deepest, darkest opinions without the vaguest possibility of recompense. ie, OC, you're a moron.

@65 There are no stupid comments, only stupid commenters.

Try talking to the teacher and when u start coughing, step out of the room, finish your coughing fit in the hallway then go back to class.

That sucks. Get off your ass and show her/him your medicine.

dirtbiker219 0

noo don't do that he will get suspended for having "drugs" at school. Been there, done that

awe u fail but don't be so hard on yourself. you fail just at life.

deafeningsilence 8

im confused, did you mean awe as in... you are in awe? or awe as in cape town gangster greeting to replace yo, or awe as in aaaaw? perhaps an aaaw fail?