By lizzie1833 - 17/03/2012 14:16 - United States

Today, I was laying down in bed when my puppy decided to bite my ear. As I started laughing and pulling him off, I noticed one of my $200 earrings got pulled off with it. And now… I wait. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 824
You deserved it 5 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Still worth the same , even covered in poop!!

Llama_Face89 33

16- they technically only lost $100 :P


Snafuusmc 12

$200 earrings?!!!! I'm sorry op but I don't understand why $200......

Maybe someone bought them for her. No need to be ignorant.

chatterbabe 0

Dude that happened to my aunt.

$200. For a set of earrings isn't really that far fetched to own. I have a few diamond ones that cost a lot (gifts). It's worth it since I wear them all the time. I can't wear fake earrings without my ears getting infected. There are many that can't wear costume. Thankfully, the expensive ones all have screw backs.(:

MessicanKid 0
Maddidaddi 0

I wouldn't be worrying about my 200 dollar earring. I would worry about the health of my dog. Especially since its a puppy.

pinky78711 5

yes the sharp pin on the back could hurt the dog and take a lot more than $200 out of your pocket

Right? I wouldn't be waiting, I'd be going to the vet. This is why I don't get expensive jewelry (other than engagement rings and wedding bands). Half the time when people lose it they care more about their money than things like this. Plus, jewelry is too easy to lose, at least for me it is.

105- Her comment related to the FML and it's "idiotic"? Calm down. You're practically stalking her, as this is not the first such comment I've seen you make. Don't be an ass.

Maddidaddi 0

What the **** is wrong with you?

The sharp, long tip of an earring can easily hurt your puppy... Go see a vet!