By fml - 12/08/2011 06:14 - Canada

Today, I was lying in bed with my boyfriend, telling him how much I loved him. His answer? "Less lovin' more humpin'." This happens every single time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 857
You deserved it 30 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

silly_kitten 9

That's when you say "Less humpin' more dumpin'."


tecktonik123 0

your cute but a d*ck cuz girls just want to tell you and remind you that they love u

Well if it happens every single time either stop complaining or dump him

DTMFA. Occasionally, it's a stupid joke. But every time? Dude doesn't give a crap, doesn't pay enough attention to realise you don't think it's funny. There are plenty of guys out there who'd actually talk to you, be romantic; do you really want to be with this lad?

YDI because you didnt make him a sandwich.

Hahaha that's some funny shit right there

bizarre_ftw 21

You shouldn't put up with that!

why are you still with him? i guess he only uses you for the sex if he keeps saying that..