By fml - 12/08/2011 06:14 - Canada

Today, I was lying in bed with my boyfriend, telling him how much I loved him. His answer? "Less lovin' more humpin'." This happens every single time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 857
You deserved it 30 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

silly_kitten 9

That's when you say "Less humpin' more dumpin'."


He's got a point. I mean you could always talk afterwards, it's just a thought

EvilDave 13

If it happens every single time, then YDI because you are still with him and keep doing the same thing expecting a different result.

scene_girlie 0

So you didn't understand that he's trying to tell you not to ask him during sex. facepalm.

seems like he only wants you for sex. you should dump him, or if you don't want to do that, don't have sex with him till he says it back.

it will never change and he will never be what you deserve.

Well that sucks...but if it happens 'every single time'...then maybe it's time to find someone who will love you back the way you love them?

TKello 6

Some guys just can't say their true feelings...actually, some guys can just be too in touch with their feelings which is the case with your guy.