By fml - 12/08/2011 06:14 - Canada

Today, I was lying in bed with my boyfriend, telling him how much I loved him. His answer? "Less lovin' more humpin'." This happens every single time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 857
You deserved it 30 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

silly_kitten 9

That's when you say "Less humpin' more dumpin'."


Maybe cuz it's her boyfriend and she's given him the privilege of dating her so she hopes that maybe she can see some affection from this asshole

If you know what he's going to say why bother about it?

bawlerr75 9
OreoWoman88 3

Don't do something and then complain about it on an internet website, grow a ******* pair and do something about it!

He is smart! What a great motto. If it bothers you say "More lovin', less humpin'".

... Everytime? Then hun get with the program!! Less lovin, more humpin!