By sn-511 - 01/03/2013 22:54 - Italy - Naples

Today, I was making out with my girlfriend, and after a while, she moved her hand down to my crotch. She felt my erection, then got up and yelled at me, calling me a horny pig for "assuming we were going to have sex." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 043
You deserved it 5 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yet she is the one who put her hand down your crotch...

HandaPitler 1

Women, usually assuming we want to have sex just because we have a boner. i feel your pain op. my ex was the exact same way


She seems inexperienced or sheltered.

lukep135 6

right that's the reason. Or she put her hand down your pants and let go dissapointed. She then had to give a BS excuse to get out of having sex with a stub

carminecris89 13

Dump her. You should feel that way, it means you're into her. It was awful of her to berate you like that. When I'm Making out with my boyfriend and things don't go there, I'm very disappointed. She's a bitch.

Devilpuppy0861 7

And you are too if you get upset when your man doesn't have one. Sometimes we have bad days and just aren't down just like women.

disguy115 4

I think you mean we sometimes aren't up...

ColbyGB 13

Shouldn't she be happy that she's good enough to give you a boner?

I love when I give my bf a boner, it means im doing a good job

Apparently she's 17 she only looks 10. Which if she is I couldn't say anything, because I was the same way at that age.... Or maybe at 15...

#150 i was thinking the same but she is like 17...says her profile

ur ******* 17 u shouldnt be doing that anyways

thinking to himself “nobonernobonernoboner oops!"

bryce2552 4

Get out. Get out and run far, far away while you can.

Run away, Simba. Run. Run away, and never return.

WTF? Anyway there's nothing wrong with wanting to have sex. It's not like you were pressuring her into it it's normal to get an erection at that moment

superdom 12

You would have to rewire your brain to not get a boner

Yes, but that is not the only reason guys get boners. Sometimes it happens even when their brains don't think of that. Just more blood rushing in than out.

And usually when you're about to give a public presentation. -.-'

Well first rule about sex is never assume you'll have sex second rule about sex is never assume you'll have sex so I don't need to wash rinse and repeat I think you've got it by now