By sn-511 - 01/03/2013 22:54 - Italy - Naples

Today, I was making out with my girlfriend, and after a while, she moved her hand down to my crotch. She felt my erection, then got up and yelled at me, calling me a horny pig for "assuming we were going to have sex." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 031
You deserved it 5 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yet she is the one who put her hand down your crotch...

HandaPitler 1

Women, usually assuming we want to have sex just because we have a boner. i feel your pain op. my ex was the exact same way


Wow.. your gf clearly doesn't know much about the world of intimity/sexuality.. She might want to educate herself a little! Sorry op.. FYL

I don't think she knows how penises work...

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

She is extremely sensative...

deet124 11
Nik2B345 5
Mysterion345 11

Yo G get out that right there is obvious behavior she cheating on you. Go find yourself a new girl

BellaBelle_fml 23

No. That right there is obvious behavior of an ignorant person, like you.

For some reason I think this couple is extremely young...

Hope you dumped her. She's clearly either not all there, or deliberately f*cking with you

She crazy leave her and find someone who's sane. That or take some ritilin that will make you too focused to get one. Trust meh

What is she? 10?? Does she have no idea at all about how the male body works. I feel for ya man. Hope she learns soon.

yoursucklives 36

i really hope she's not ten.