By sn-511 - 01/03/2013 22:54 - Italy - Naples

Today, I was making out with my girlfriend, and after a while, she moved her hand down to my crotch. She felt my erection, then got up and yelled at me, calling me a horny pig for "assuming we were going to have sex." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 043
You deserved it 5 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yet she is the one who put her hand down your crotch...

HandaPitler 1

Women, usually assuming we want to have sex just because we have a boner. i feel your pain op. my ex was the exact same way


Shadow_Phantom 26

I dunno about you, OP, but I would get out of that relationship pretty damn fast. Her behavior is unhealthy. FYL.

ViviMage 39

Some women are cold fish because they want non sexual attention from a male, and get upset if anything is just in ends up in sex. She might be seeing his erection not as him enjoying it or a body reflex, but rather men only get woodies before sex. Morning wood is usually the body's way of shutting the bladder's escape path down until the man wakes up. So that debunks that right there. Men get erections for non sexual reasons, too! I've even heard CT contrast dye will make someone erect. She needs to understand her lover to make this work for them.

the morning would to prevent pee has been debunked as well. male hormones are at their highest in the early morning so you get a boner

If men's morning wood is a way to 'shut the bladder's escape path down' until the man wakes up, I assume you think that us women piss all over the bed every morning?

It's like she's yelling at you for thinking she's attractive! ... Ugh women!

MooseKnuckle5150 13

Save yourself a ton of frustration, get out now. She's already wired to hold sex over you and have you jump through hoops to get it. Te vag is already being held hostage. Run.

Wow.. "I'm gonna give you a handy... IS THAT AN ERECTION?" Logic. =/= there is none.

jdime209 2

Something is not right about this relationship.. Hmm.

Wow she just bit the hand that feeds her... OP this girl needs a reality check, if she doesn't straighten up its time for a talk.