By Lilly - 02/10/2013 12:43 - United States - Conway

Today, I was on a dinner date with a guy I really like. I guess I was on my phone too much because halfway through the date he sent me a text saying how much my half of the bill would be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 681
You deserved it 124 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's incredibly rude of you. You "guess"?! I'd would say that you were. Be a little more polite next time and stash your phone away; the newest twitter updates can wait.

You really like him, huh? You really showed it. YDI


Unbelievable!!! FB can wait, I'm glad I've never gone through this w/ a date.

Narcisse_fml 25

If you like him as much as you claim, why would you choose to be so rude? Your Facebook status update, check-in, tweets and food **** pics could've waited until after you enjoyed your date. You got what you deserved.

I HATE cell phones! I have one but only use it when I need to call for a ride when I'm out since there are few pay phones around, and I know they will give you brain tumors. In fact sometimes I think it's bad I even have a home phone.

People still believe phones give brain tumors? Seriously?

Cell phones do not give people brain tumors, they pull microscopic particles of substantia grisea out. Everyone knows that.

Why were you on your phone at all? I'd get up and leave you with the whole bill.

Either turn your phone off or leave it at focus on him and he focuses on you...

You deserve it for being rude, OP. Hopefully, you'll have learned your lesson.

You deserve it that is so rude. I would have left you with the whole bill and texted you when I got home. You're on a date for goodness sakes even if youre bored dont be rude

Apparently you don't like the guy that much. Agreed with Bradley_Dillon, I'd have left you there with the whole bill.

On your phone at all is on your phone too much. No wonder you are single.