By Lilly - 02/10/2013 12:43 - United States - Conway

Today, I was on a dinner date with a guy I really like. I guess I was on my phone too much because halfway through the date he sent me a text saying how much my half of the bill would be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 681
You deserved it 124 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's incredibly rude of you. You "guess"?! I'd would say that you were. Be a little more polite next time and stash your phone away; the newest twitter updates can wait.

You really like him, huh? You really showed it. YDI


That was insanely rude of you. I'd be surprised if he gave you another chance

katie_xoxo3 16

He should've made you pay the full bill, YDI

Nomophobia much? Whatever happened to conversation on a date? Incredibly rude.

Llama_Face89 33

I've walked out on a couple women for this same thing...

Your complaining because you were on your f....... Phone while you were on this date. Ever heard of social etiquette. Why would you choose to ignore the person who is sitting in front of you. You should have paid the entire bill cause I would have walked out on your ass

captainmpg 9

Totally deserved it. You clearly like your phone more than him.

Seems like you didn't like him enough to put your phone away. You were being rude even if you didn't mean to be. Next time put your phone away and then you'll have the right to complain.

How can you like the guy if you have your face buried in your phone? YDI for sure.