By Lilly - 02/10/2013 12:43 - United States - Conway

Today, I was on a dinner date with a guy I really like. I guess I was on my phone too much because halfway through the date he sent me a text saying how much my half of the bill would be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 681
You deserved it 124 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's incredibly rude of you. You "guess"?! I'd would say that you were. Be a little more polite next time and stash your phone away; the newest twitter updates can wait.

You really like him, huh? You really showed it. YDI


That's extremely rude. I wouldn't pay either.

Queen_of_Night 20

Apparently you didn't like him enough to get off your phone.

I'm sorry op but if I was on a date and the guy was on his phone the entire time there would not be a second date.

Let's face it if you were on your phone that much during your date you kinda had that one coming

Whether you're on a date or even with casual acquaintances, you put that god damn phone on silent and be with the people you're with. I can't begin to described how baffled I am when I see a group of teens all with their heads buried in their phones. When I was that age we were actually making real friends and laughing and doing things.

maybe you don't like him like you thought you did...just saying..

wow. You so deserved it, OP. If you really liked him, you wouldn't have been on your phone the entire date. If I was out with a guy and he was on his phone the whole time I would just stand up and walk out the door.

Seriously how rude of you. You totally deserve it.

That is so rude, you bitch. Put the damn phone away!

it is so unattractive for a girl to sit there and text while you are on a date. you have no idea how bad of signals that sends. ydi