By Anonymous - 10/03/2012 14:20 - United States

Today, I was re-watching my wedding video. As I was walking down the aisle, you could hear my grandfather mutter "Here comes the bride, all fat and wide." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 090
You deserved it 5 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheFamilyElf 17

Grandfathers are the funniest people in the world, hands down. Don't take it seriously, OP. He's most likely kidding. Even if he wasn't, I'm sure you looked stunning.


tdawg4200 0

White isn't slimming. Black is. Good news for your funeral. But seriously put down the fork.

It's okay, haters gonna hate. Even if it's your gramps.

I think that if you can't figure out how to have sex, then you were not ready in the first place...

I think its better at "they see you rolling"

This made my day! Absolutely Hilarious..

twifan1901 0

It's okay. He'll probably die soon :)

Far from it! Brace yourself for an alternative opinion from a verified geezer hater. Old folks can be some of the most manipulative, lying and selfish scumbags on the planet. Rude and don't care and many of them shoplift. That is a fact. The kind old granny stereotype is a rarity. Open your eyes and you won't be defending them as a group. The geezer in this FML knew it was the brides big day and he opens his mouth like that? Someone should have popped him in the beak after the ceremony. It is not about if she is chunky or not. Damn geezer should have kept his mouth shut during the wedding ceremony. Better yet,he should have been locked up where he belongs. I'll bet he is everyones favorite guest at family dinners (sarcasm included ).

No. 180, you have said a mouthful! A lot of old people use their age as an exuse to behave horribly. They are rude, they line cut, they demand things they are not entitled to, they snarl and snap at others to drop what they are doing to wait on them, etc. Being old does NOT give you the right to tell off a supermarket checkout clerk for not accepting your expired coupons or butt into the front of the seating line at a restaurant. Use coupons that haven't expired and wait your freaking turn like grown ups, please.