By iAMloud - 19/03/2011 02:29 - United States

Today, I was riding to a prom with my friends in the middle of a swamp-covered area. I stuck my head out the top and screamed like they do in the movies. My hair, makeup, and mouth were quickly filled with bugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 479
You deserved it 67 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.. it was a swamp covered area. What did you expect?


TheDrifter 23

Do the crunchy bugs really taste best?

perdix 29

This could only happen in Flori-duh! Were you trying to show off for the gators and the nutria?

RosiePatosie 0

How can your makeup fill up with bugs? O_o

Bugs could get caught in your eye lashes.

fthku 13

And those would be her eye lashes. Applying makeup to a body part doesn't transform said body part into makeup. OP, I usually try not to judge people on FML, but seriously, this has to be one of the top moronic things I've heard on FML. ... OK, the sad thing is, it's actually not.

well, bugs are fairly indiscriminate in splattering all over people's cars, so why would they do any different with your face? hmm? |the kid|

020266t 5

you must live in my neighborhood...

Oh, sorry about the bad grammar. The second was my Ipod's stupid auto correct.