By iAMloud - 19/03/2011 02:29 - United States

Today, I was riding to a prom with my friends in the middle of a swamp-covered area. I stuck my head out the top and screamed like they do in the movies. My hair, makeup, and mouth were quickly filled with bugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 479
You deserved it 67 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.. it was a swamp covered area. What did you expect?


maybe u should think about it before u act like a dumbass next time!!!!

Dude... Seriously? What the hell is wrong with today's youth? By 2021 these new generations will be so dumb Sarah Palin will seem like Einstein and Goerge Bush will win a Nobel Prize for his wit and his fabulous contributions to the human race.

TheBeatlesAreLov 0

someone's a democrattttt....

I recognize anyone who speaks sense. A person doesn't have to be a democrat to recognize that those two would probably tie for the Idiot of the Last Two Centuries award. The OP would also make said list. That being said, yes I am a Democrat. =)

Betty__White 0

pallins a **** just saying and isn't it a bit early for prom??

Before the comments come... Name misspelled purposely. It just seems more dumbass that way and he is a dumbass.

fthku 13

Listen to Rebecca Black - Friday. Then you'll see just how dumb society's becoming.

Actually, generations are getting smarter. Have you seen all those FMLs involving a clever little kid? Unfortunately, there will always be that dumb stupid hoe that makes their generation look bad.

Same movies also have a tree branch that will knock you out.

Was this an improvement or a detriment to your overall look?

How about you try out other movie clichés too? - Leaving the front door unlocked while singing loudly in your shower - Letting strangers into your house for some completely idiotic reasoning - Eating something completely disgusting because hey, you were challenged Can't turn out bad

didnt ur momma ever tell not to be a bitch???

jinxthejinx 0

"Like they do in the movies." What movies are you watching, and do they star the Olsen twins?

burninnapalm 5

nothing is wrong with being a democrat. that being said though, she should have added Clinton into the mix, seeing as he is just as dumb as the rest of them. I mean, he did nothing when the Taliban attacked the world trade centers in 1993... seriously? what president let's an attack on their country go unanswered!