By Obsessed - 30/01/2010 20:54 - United States

Today, I was rushed to the hospital because I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe. Why was I crying? My favorite anime character died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 634
You deserved it 83 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ajjas013 6

That's the first and probably last dedicated patriotic anime fan I'll ever see. I mean, I would be sad if Ichigo died but, I wouldn't cry.


ur such a nerd u don't deserve 2 live, oh ur life is sooo bad, oh grow up, ppl like u ruin the world

No #28 ignorant self centered people like you ruin the world. Everyone deserves to live. Even you belive it or not. Chin up OP. Peace out x

Ok, I kind of agree here, but that's a little harsh.

sounds like my Hubby when he loses at modern warfare.... ydi

what a waste of a freaking FML.....FML for reading this stupid post.!!!!

aintgotmuchofu 0

An FML is still an FML no matter what you know. most stuff are stupid stuff. so you cant actually blame em'

loneygirl93 1

don't worry I cried watching the end of Oruan High School Host Club. why cause I didn't want it to end like that. lol

you could read the manga that's good and doesn't end the same way, it's still ongoing.

stacysmom 0

Ok, that's kind of pathetic. YDI unless it was Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop.

u stupid and a nerd for watching anima that stupid and ur stupid and a nerd

34 you do know nerds are supposed to be smart right? OP just wondering, what anime was it?

ahahahahaha. the irony of this post is superb

Well another person trys to justify their own mental numbness with a poorly constructed sentence well done maxj you have sucsessfully proved that being a 'nerd' atleast makes you understandable. Hostility out x

linamerri 0

You deserve it for watching that shit... Especially if your one of those overly emotional attention-****** that sits around complaining about how life sucks and have nothing better to do with your time than look at anime

@13-if ichigo died, there would be no bleach. @25-if L died, there would be no death note. you can't just go around killing off main characters. geez. seriously. :)

riku3220 2

In Clannad, Nagisa dies (You see it coming a mile away.) and it continues for a few episodes. [/SPOILERS}

Haha yeah, Ryuzaki got killed in Deathnote because of Light's asshole-ish ways. That made me cry. As did Gravitation and Full Moon. Multiple times. Lol

aintgotmuchofu 0

killing the main characters actually means for the anime to stop showing. thats all. anyways they do that either to make a different ending or they didnt have enough funds for it to show anymore.

Lol wtf, is everyone who comments on FML like, 13 or what? ._. What the hell is up with all these hateful and illiteral comments? :/

nobridgejustwate 0

*illiterate. illiteral is not a word.

FeedtheBrood 0

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

ctw1966 0

OK that is pretty much the most pathetic thing I've ever read. Get a freaking life you dork.

linamerri 0

couldn't have said it better