By Obsessed - 30/01/2010 20:54 - United States

Today, I was rushed to the hospital because I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe. Why was I crying? My favorite anime character died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 634
You deserved it 83 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ajjas013 6

That's the first and probably last dedicated patriotic anime fan I'll ever see. I mean, I would be sad if Ichigo died but, I wouldn't cry.


Chelzaroni 2
pinkandblaqk15 0

wow that is so sad! I mean seriously?

I cried watchign Kannon... Some seriesjust work enough to get you attached to a character.....thought not brathing is a bit..extreme.. Sheding a few tears is natural to most


xbbyitachilover 0

lol. that just like me. itachi uchiha died and i cried T.T i'm such a boob. o-o" lmao XD

screwball111 0

I'm sorry :{((( ~your welcome

I want to know which character it was, too. I'll cry at any media, books included. Being rushed to the hospital is a little much... Though I was crying my eyes out at a freaking tree dying in Kobato (not an award-winning anime by any stretch of the imagination) the other day. It was sad, okay?