By red_headforlife - 28/09/2012 05:34 - United States - Chandler
Same thing different taste
By AtLeastThereWasAParamedic - 02/03/2017 20:00
By Anonymous - 02/03/2018 19:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 11/06/2013 04:12 - Canada - Kingston
By RootalyTootToot - 29/06/2018 15:00
By rangerluke - 25/02/2016 15:52 - United States
No good deed…
By Anonymous - 07/04/2023 18:00 - Slovenia - Ljubljana
By Anonymous - 22/08/2019 17:00 - United Kingdom - Poole
By Crispy cripple - 05/09/2018 18:30
By Monkey253100 - 03/06/2012 14:47 - France
Shelved plans
By twobyfour - 15/10/2019 12:00
Top comments
Lawyer up. The Hippocratic oath to "do no harm" includes hurting one while rescuing another.
Hospitals have specific entrances for ambulance crews and patients, sounds like you were in the wrong exit.
Not necessarily. I have worked at at least three hospitals where the entrance is the same.
now it's time for the lawyers
That means you were trying to leave through the ER, through the door with the big sign that says not to go that way.
Is your name Brian by any chance?
Don't sue the hospital. The person they were treating is probably a lot worse off than you. Besides, the settlement would probably be paid with tax dollars.
#101 - Are you kidding? Hospitals and ambulance companies, even public ones, carry insurance for just this reason. Your tax dollars are already paying for that insurance. OP should not have been harmed in the care of an incoming patient. OP may need a lawyer if (likely, when) the hospital/ambulance company quibble or try to low-ball the costs they'll voluntarily cover. OP will need a lot of in-home care, lost wages covered, physical therapy, etc.
The irony is killing me
Watch the movie Pure Luck while you recover. Your post reminded me a bit of Martin Short's character.
Oh, the irony... Hospitals injuring patients? It sounds like they just dont want you to leave.
At least you were close to help! I truly hope you feel better. I have broken bones and it is not fun.