By red_headforlife - 28/09/2012 05:34 - United States - Chandler

Today, I was so happy to be leaving the hospital after breaking my arm the night before. Just as I walked out of the doors, a huge ambulance team was running in at the same time, and knocked me down full force. I now have a broken ankle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 297
You deserved it 2 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, the irony... Hospitals injuring patients? It sounds like they just dont want you to leave.

At least you were close to help! I truly hope you feel better. I have broken bones and it is not fun.


Maybe you just need a bubble or something? That really sucks, OP.

Something is fishy here. I've never seen a hospital that doesn't have a separate "emergency" entrance for ambulances. Those crews don't go in the main entrance.

We should listen to Doc, I mean, he IS a doctor.

That's what I thought too Doc, plus, ambulance teams are not hard to miss, I think someone needed to pay more attention to where they were going.

That's not true, Doc. You can leave the emergency room through the same doors the ambulance comes in. I've worked at several hospitals and they all have been like that.

Maybe the OP went out through the wrong doors, hoping to find a shortcut to their car? I've also seen that the ambulance have a separate entrance but it's not blocked and someone could still use it. (:

blue_seduction 6

My uncle once got hit by an ambulance while crossing the street. And he had to wait for another ambulance to come and get him because they were transporting a patient. He sued the city though.

Sued the city? For what? Him being an idiot? Ambulances have sirens, which were likely on. He should have looked at where he was walking. And i doubt he could've sued the city. The patient transportation company probably got sued.

Everyone sues for the most bullshit reasons nowadays. No one can ever take responsibility for their actions, so they constantly blame it on someone else.

Police, fire and the ambulance ALL work for the city. Who in the hell do you think the NYPD works for?

Some lady sued McDonald's for her coffee being 'too hot' after she spilled it all over herself and got burnt. People sue for the most stupid shit nowadays.

128- Technically yes, but they're independent companies, themselves. Meaning someone can only sue the company. Not the city.

Apprentice4Life 5

You can't sue the entire city for a independent ambulance company doing this. Ambulances do have sirens and flashing lights. How in the world was he hit by one?! I call bs or far fetching :/

hannnahmarie 14

That actually sucks, & I know how you feel. Two days ago I got stung by a bee, which I'm allergic, too. & Then the next day I broke my wrist cause it got slammed into a locker, but oooh the irony.

How the actual **** are those two things ironic?

Please, don't sue hospitals... Plus, isn't situation like this the reason the patients always have to leave on the wheelchair? I have never really understood that (I'm not from US)

I think it's only if you checked in and stayed in the hospital. Most likely the OP went to the emergency room so no wheelchair is required.(:

perdix 29

#30, to prevent a situation exactly like this. The OP has a legitimate lawsuit here (not all malpractice suits are frivolous money grabs.) They make you take a wheelchair to get you out of the building without incident. A story like this only justifies the policy even more. I wanted to videotape the events surrounding my child's birth, but not the actual emergence. Turns out the hospital had a policy that you couldn't videotape "down there." I thought they had good taste, but it was just to suppress evidence of malpractice :(

blahmemeblah 3

Lol that's ironic. Sorry about your ankle though