By muffintop - 11/07/2011 02:34 - Canada

Today, I was standing at airport security. One of the bag inspectors asked me to remove my travel pouch, pointing to the lump under my shirt. I didn't know how to tell him that it was just one of my fat rolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 183
You deserved it 13 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least OP isn't like some people and tuck their rolls into their pants with a huge bulge in the crotch area


do you store food in it, like stash a sandwich for later? plus you could probably even stick your cat under there

nhaylee 0

Americans are disgustingly fat these days, glad to know our future kids will all have health problems and die by the age of 30 because of irresponsible parents.

WallyTheWombat 0

Yes, ALL fat people are Americans. There isn't a single fat person anywhere else in the world.

L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

The person who wrote this FML is from Canada, you fail..

HahaYDI 0

In the words of the Great Daniel Tosh, "maybe if your horrible country's food didn't taste like dong you'd all be fat too." As previously mentioned, the OP is Canadian.Yes, fat people exist everywhere. You're ignorant.

jake7787 0

wow...I bet the security person felt like a real ass when he found out...

megagingerbeast 0

I'm taking it that, that was your extra carry on luggage???

hateevryone 14

someone needs to push the dinner plate back

maybe you need to loose some weight ;)

maybe you need to loose some weight ;)