By muffintop - 11/07/2011 02:34 - Canada

Today, I was standing at airport security. One of the bag inspectors asked me to remove my travel pouch, pointing to the lump under my shirt. I didn't know how to tell him that it was just one of my fat rolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 183
You deserved it 13 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least OP isn't like some people and tuck their rolls into their pants with a huge bulge in the crotch area


foilindo 0

not having an ideal body is understandable and being somewhat overweight because of some health issue also is. otherwise you definitely deserved it. :-/

CatEyes66 0

But, if you're unattractive you have no right to call or make fun of someone else for being unattractive or overweight. Which I think ^46^ is guilty of.

ItWasAllWorthIt 0

But if you're attractive you can say whatever you want about people's attractiveness?

CatEyes66 0

Telling someone they're "attractive" is a positive comment, makes people feel good. Calling someone "fat or ugly" is a negative comment, makes people feel bad. If your unattractive and you point out someone's unattractiveness it makes you "mean and a hypocrite".

linlee 0

wow your pretty much a bitch ur name fits u well get off her back damn!

that's sucks. gym membership maybe? sorry if this sounds insensitive.

Lose weight then? YDI for not weighing less.

OneRepublic10 0

that sucks. having to tell someone that was ur fat roll.

luisAngelMarrero 0

If you love your mom then post this to 20 people.a girl ignored this and her mom died 1 year later sorry I can't ignore this because I love my mom too much