By muffintop - 11/07/2011 02:34 - Canada

Today, I was standing at airport security. One of the bag inspectors asked me to remove my travel pouch, pointing to the lump under my shirt. I didn't know how to tell him that it was just one of my fat rolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 183
You deserved it 13 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least OP isn't like some people and tuck their rolls into their pants with a huge bulge in the crotch area


CommonSenseKarma 17

Okay, here, I'll show you: "Hey, mind the fat rolls, I'm overweight, embarrassed, and I'd rather do shit about it and post it on FML." There. Happy? Problem solved?

k8izgr8_fml 0

thank youu! someone that finally doesn't have their head up their ass and makes a little sense

dinodannyrawr 5

yo so fat that u need cheat codes for will fit... heheheheh

davidisbeast 12
RandomChickXD 0

yeah wii fit does shit for weight loss anyways

"don't worry. that's not drugs. I'm just a fatarse..."?

ryanst 7

Is it wrong that I read this with an Asian accent?

you didn't know how to tell him it was one of your fat rolls? it's not something I would have imaged to be too hard...wouldn't you just say, "that!? that's one of my fat rolls". lol

On the one hand airport security is totally out of control these days. You pretty much have to agree to be sexually assaulted on national TV just to get on an airplane these days. On the other hand, NO FAT CHICKS. YDI.

kittyistwix 2

whenever someone calls you fat, just look at them and say: " when you are willing to pay to get me liphosuctioned THEN you can complain" :D xD

"I won't pay for an expensive surgery you don't need, but I will contribute a few bucks to a gym membership if you agree to pay for the rest by cutting back on the triple whoppers with cheese."

kittyistwix 2

>.< okay, you win. But in all honesty, who would think to say that? other that you.