By JefferyT - 03/06/2011 05:16 - United States

Today, I was taken to my first session with my psychiatrist. The entirety of the facility, from the waiting room to the doc's office was decorated with dead butterflies in glass. I was there for my crippling mottephobia, the irrational fear of moths and butterflies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 855
You deserved it 4 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is kind of a creepy idea; decorating the place with dead animals


omg I'm so sorry...that would have been freaking horrible.

don't worry it was probably step 1 in your curing process

dookiedoo 0

it puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again

Perhaps that's why you got sent there?

From my perspective, you probably got sent there to face your fear of butterflies and moths. I was irrationally afraid of Thunderstorms and my Mother always tried to take me for a ride somewhere during a storm. Usually, I'd hide in a closet or something stupid like that. Eventually, I got over my fear and now love watching storms while sitting outside. Who knows, maybe seeing those dead butterflies each time you go into the office will nullify you to the point you would go to the zoo and sit in those butterfly tents. If not, it's fine to be afraid of them. I understand where you're coming from, OP. They're beautiful, but I wouldn't exactly want one on/near me. They're one of those things I admire from afar.

If that were the case that would be treatment without consent which is only legal when it's an emergency or the person isn't capable of giving consent etc.

TheDrifter 23

Or if the op is a minor the parents can give consent on their behalf. In fact, in Canada at least, they must give the consent, as treatment, unless emergency, cannot proceed without it.

Being a minor is one of the things I meant by being unable to give consent. Even so I don't think OP is a child. Also generally a therapist would assess the person before starting any form of treatment..

ivizzle2 0

well that's a dumb phobia your fault

All phobias are 'dumb' as they are persistent, abnormal or irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid the feared stimulus! In case you don't understand the term 'irrational' it means not in accordance with reason; utterly illogical.

I have a phobia of human/animal biology, or anything to do with insides of something. Am I stupid? it's a really irrational fear, but I didn't choose to become afraid of it.

mvs198 0

its not op fault! they are usually childhood traumas!!

bandit1107 6

i don't know why she deserves it but yea fyl

oh geez i'm sorry OP i hate butterflies up close... freak me out... did you stay inside or run away like how i would?