By abc123 - 16/12/2013 16:44 - United States - Marysville

Today, I was taking a shower with my boyfriend. While we were washing our hair, he got soap in his eyes and mouth. I was facing him, and since his eyes were closed he didn't realize how close I was. When he spat the soap out, it went straight into my eyes. Neither of us could see. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 537
You deserved it 6 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This sounds like a scene from a cheesy romantic comedy, haha.


At least you weren't drunk and didn't get stuck in there like the other FML from many moons ago.

Lol! funniest comment I have read all month

if only you were in some sort of magical place where water would rush down and rinse the soap and spit from your faces and you could see once again

Bunny21 11

Sexy shower gone wrong!!! Lmao sorry op. Better luck next time, if there is a next time lol

takeittoem 8

You got soap in your eyes? Hardly FML material...

chloem103 9

Oh my god I laughed so hard at this. That does suck though. In my opinion, getting soap in your eyes is like a paper cut. It hurts a lot more than it should/expected.