By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 22:46 - United States

Today, I was taking the subway to work when I saw a really hot girl. Noticing that she, like me, had a Dunkin' Donuts coffee, I tried to start a conversation by saying, "Is that Double Ds you have there?" She didn't pick up that I was talking about the coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 893
You deserved it 97 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what the **** who says double D's for dunkin donuts you douche you deserve it


ihaveaidz 0

wow fail if she didnt pick up on it u shoulda at least tried to explain it but great pickup line hahaha

DStro 0

You really have to work on your pick up lines..


that's what you get for saying DD's instead of dunkin' donuts, loser..

scoutpup 0

wow, no one says "double ds" wow that was funny though!

loooooooool of all the things guys have said, that has got to be one of the awesomest. You need to get out more, and say more logical things to girls. However, I'm adding you to my mental list of FML heroes.

Demonchild 0

Holy shit the op is ******* stupid. what the hell happened to funney fmls that are done to you by other. **** anyone who likes this fml. **** the op. **** yo moma. **** anyone who says Double D. **** me for wasting time by continously insulting douches and reading lame FMLs. **** tha P0lice. **** this... Proud to be D.C. (Demon Child for all u fucktards)