By Anonymous - 24/07/2015 17:59 - Northern Mariana Islands - Saipan

Today, I was telling 3 classmates on Whatsapp about my depression. One of them told me to "nut up n grow a pear." Two hours after we mocked him for being an illiterate jackass, one of us has had our car tires knifed and another's house has been egged. I'm terrified of what will happen to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 793
You deserved it 5 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Depression's a serious issue, man, but if you really feel like it, file a police report using your two witnesses of classmates. Hope you get the help you need.

rieebee 23

Pears are yummy, maybe he was offended you didn't want to grow some for him.


Geckosrock99 33

Guess he doesn't know not to dish it if he can't take it. Report him to the police, OP, its already escalated way too far.

Perhaps he will write in blood "dye bitch dye" on the front of your house?

tantanpanda 26

it would be funnier if he actually uses dye.

PePziNL 20
xluciferx666 21

The final battle shall be decided in MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!

He's probably trying to demonstrate how depressed he is!

The things he did are signs of depression and insecurity #51

The person doing it was not the person who has the depression. Two different people.

you may want to get a baseball bat out and ready, just in case :/

That's crazy talk and vandalism. This happened to me once and I filed a police report. I suggest doing the same. I battle depression as well. My thoughts to you regarding depression is take it one day at a time. Hang out with people who truly make you happy and will be there for you when depression hits. Think positive thoughts and it will get better. :)

Nothing, if you can get him arrested in time for the other two crimes.

Calm down, he just wanted you to grow a pear tree. It wasnt that hard. You shouldve done what he asked

You should probably stop hanging out with this person.