By Username - 06/10/2010 21:59 - France

Today, I was telling my boyfriend about how self conscious I am and how I obsess about my weight. He said, "Don't be ridiculous, you don't need to lose THAT much weight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 036
You deserved it 28 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he was trying to be nice, you don't need to put it on fml.

oboewhore_xD 6

Wow. There's a lot of rude people on FML. No need to call her "fatty" or "lil piggy". :(


Totally your fault for even bringing it up so YDI.. there's no reason for complaining about your weight or as you put it.. "obsessing"... Join a gym, most memberships come with personal trainer services.. i've seen people lose 30-50 lbs over a summer

imakemlaff 3
perdix 29

I don't know, can I save 15% on my car insurance by switching to GEICO?

sam_08_fml 0

Its "15% or more on car insurance" lol

You "could save up to 15% or more": meaning "there's a possibility that you might save less than, equal to, or over 15%" You could plug any random # into that wording and it's not false advertising, because you've got all bases covered! Woohoo! By buying my product you could save up to 29362981529% or more! Anyone interested?

perdix 29

sam_08, If I missed the "or more" part, then their advertising isn't all that damned effective, is it? When I hear a GEICO commercial, I console myself that at least I am not listening to one of those idiotic "What's in you wallet?" ads. The very first one was great, but that is when that concept jumped the shark. Who the hell ever heard of British Vikings?

wow. don't be so self conscious. do u want him to lie to u?

that's why women shouldn't bitch about their weight to men. let's not make the same mistake again shall we?

o noez my boyfriend doesn't call me superskinny

If you think you're fat, don't tell us, just get your ass to the gym.

nickharbut 6

total doucher. that's a wake up call for you to dump his ass and find somebody was better.

KatyB_fml 0

for being honest? he was actually giving her a compliment by telling her she wasn't as huge as she thought she was.

YDI for dating someone who will lie to make you feel better, for being self-conscious about your ginormous fatness, and mostly for being a disgusting lardo in the first place! Stop stuffing your gaping maw with fast food, start eating clean, wholesome food, and start doing some cardio, Chubs McObesity!

Get a sense of humour, dude. Seriously.

yummy_mummy 0