By Username - 06/10/2010 21:59 - France

Today, I was telling my boyfriend about how self conscious I am and how I obsess about my weight. He said, "Don't be ridiculous, you don't need to lose THAT much weight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 036
You deserved it 28 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he was trying to be nice, you don't need to put it on fml.

oboewhore_xD 6

Wow. There's a lot of rude people on FML. No need to call her "fatty" or "lil piggy". :(


vermillionlove 0

I honestly don't get how this is insulting. to me, he is telling you losing the weight you were talking about sounds ridiculous and you honestly don't need to lose it. however, he did miss the "perfect boyfriend" response of 'I think you are beautiful just how you are' lol

sassy_bunny16 0

YDI for obsessing with how you look good god. your fine the way you are, it makes you who you are. stoping trying to fit in size 0 and looking like a f****** skeleton.

Hannalea_fml 0

Boys speak before they think. but still... Get over it !!

Hannalea_fml 0

hah, hi! :D They negafied me... If that can be considered a verb? Sounds like some crazy dragonball z saying...

RedPillSucks 31

It could be that OP is not fat at all, just sensitive about her weight (recovering bulimic or anorexic) and her bf just likes his chicka extra boney.

smurf1 0

he's a guy don't overreact he probably didn't mean it like that

11 i like you logic and your 'about me'

20waffleater10 0
20waffleater10 0

I'm truly not seeing the problem here.