By Anonymous - 09/06/2012 04:51 - United States - Hernando

Today, I was texting my girlfriend and asked her for a picture, expecting something provocative. She sent me a picture of her holding a positive pregnancy test. We had sex once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 033
You deserved it 46 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It doesn't matter how many times you had sex, there's always a possibility of pregnancy! Have you never heard of 'wrap it before you tap it'?

Condoms are easier to change than diapers.


Don't act so suprised. Don't you know ALL pregnancies are started by having sex only once? granted, that one time isn't alwasy the first time, but one time really is all it takes. I you don't know that, you probably shouldn't be having sex in the first place.

MerrikBarbarian 9

Well then, man up. Pregnancy is always a risk of sex. I got pregnant my first time too, and I deserved it 100% because I was dumb enough to rely on withdrawal. As it was I miscarried at 3 months, but I was 100% ready to care for that child had I not. Better get yourself in that mindset.

Ashley1722 3

This reminds me of the Bad Luck Brian tweets/memes that are all over Twitter and Facebook...

bearkat420 3

It only takes one time. Don't be a fool, wrap your tool.

RaVeN53 7

As long as its unprotected sex you always have the chance of pregnancy I have no sympathy for you

You better not abandon her and make her raise it on her own.

Takainthemachine 0

And once is all it takes....congratulations Daddy!

It's not yours. She has been ******* around on you.

I'm the OP and to clarify, no we didn't use protection, it had been a couple weeks after, & we have every intention to follow this out completely and together. 100- I thought the same at first.

soad2014 7

That's wonderful to hear OP. Do what's best to stay in the child's life :)

"You can't get pregnant the first time". It amuses and saddens men at the same time how stupid people can be. I wonder who the idiot was who came up with that myth.

I'd be willing to bet it was some horny teenage boy... who soon found out he was going to be a dad.