By foojew93 - 09/08/2009 17:41 - United States

Today, I was walking at a section of the zoo where you are in the cage, and the monkeys are climbing outside of the cage. I was having a great time until I looked up and one of the monkeys urinated all over my face. Not only did everyone see, but there was no way for me to shower for six hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 322
You deserved it 3 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

simplyn2deep 2

I'll take that experience over my experience: gorilla crap thrown from 10 ft away

What zoo does not have a bathroom? Man up and go to the bathroom and wash your face with soap and water.


dolfan1993 0

Haha, that happened to my aunt and brother, but with a tiger. Sucks for you.

you should have stuck your wang out and peed on him!

Marie_Murder 0

ewe that's like a human urnating on you =X

Lol big deal. Clean yourself off with some napkins or something, and spray yourself down with body spray or perfume. If you have makeup, fix that shit too. Don't be a whiney baby.

Funky_T 0

Are u ******* stupid? I`ll piss on u and lets see what u do then u dumbass

I couldnt stop laughin at this comment by funky t...that shit had me rollin!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeahsurre 0
NonchalantSavant 0
kewl92 0
lacedheadbands 0

FYL. that sucks. that happened to me once actually. you know those guys with the monkeys who shake your hands? well instead it climbed onto my arm and peed on me. lmao #50

yeahsurre 0

glad im not the only one confused by that..