By foojew93 - 09/08/2009 17:41 - United States

Today, I was walking at a section of the zoo where you are in the cage, and the monkeys are climbing outside of the cage. I was having a great time until I looked up and one of the monkeys urinated all over my face. Not only did everyone see, but there was no way for me to shower for six hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 322
You deserved it 3 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

simplyn2deep 2

I'll take that experience over my experience: gorilla crap thrown from 10 ft away

What zoo does not have a bathroom? Man up and go to the bathroom and wash your face with soap and water.


browneyes56 0

Ah! i live in florida too and i think i know the monkey zoo your talkin about. ahah and i love #51

There ARE bathrooms at the zoo. True you can't clean your clothes or anything, but you could have at least washed your face and hair and bought a shirt from the gift shop. I don't think I would have stayed for six more hours after that.

FYL. They shouldn't use these sections then. Can't you sue them, by the way?

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Sue them? Everytime something slightly bad happens, there's an american telling people to sue. You're bigger ******* than the french.

#67, I find it strange too that Americans tend to sue for basically everything (at least in movies). But if their legal system allows people to get loads of money by suing, then why not to sue?

ArielTheMermaid 17

@NonchalantSavant #50. monkey pee - thank god no monkey doo

Why dont the people who make these exhibits think about things like this?

What zoo doesn't protect humans from this? Apes and monkeys are well-known for throwing poop and other icky habits!