By zitroskies - 07/10/2009 00:04 - United States

Today, I was walking out of class when I saw a girl enthusiastically run to her boyfriend, jump on him, and smother him with kisses. I thought to myself "I wish my girlfriend did that." When the girl jumped off and turned around I realized she did, just not to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 832
You deserved it 3 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is anyone else somewhat reminded of one part of Paramore's Misery Business video? Except that the girl/guy roles are switched?


I call fake. No girl is going to be stupid enough to run up to a guy like that when her bf goes to the same school.

BikeMass 0

I've seen it happen. People are generally stupid.

Jakester 0

does anybody else see this ironic that PoeticPixie is ignorant of the very stupid people that have been running around for centuries?

@56 Stop trying to be all poetic and deep, your grammar skills are amazingly sh*t.

how do u know they weren't friendly kisses on the cheek and he was her bro or something

he would have obviously have said 'on the cheek' if they were on the cheek ! Siblings don't "smother" each other with kisses either unless you're into that type of thing ...

Why wouldn't you recognize your own girlfriend?

Love the way this was worded. Oh and fyl + sympathy face :(

Even though nobody else seems to think so, this one sounds fake to me. Even the girlfriend is a total idiot, she would have to be beyond retarded to do that knowing full-well he goes to the same school. Anyone with a functioning brain would know this would get back to him within five minutes, even if he wasn't there in the hallway.