By Anonymous - 11/08/2014 17:24 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, I was walking to a job interview. I needed to get rid of some gum but there were no trash cans in sight, so I spat it out on the ground. Next thing I know, some guy grabs me, sticks the gum in my hair, and walks off, muttering curses. I couldn't get it out in time for the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 699
You deserved it 51 471

Same thing different taste


That guy was a huge asshole. You should've waited until you were near a can for sure, but you definitely didn't deserve to be manhandled from behind by a stranger!!

How about being manhandled from the front by a stranger?

And nobody else deserves to step in gum on their way to an interview. Maybe OP needed to be mishandled so that maybe they won't be so inconsiderate in the future. You know.. learn a little something about manners.

Think people are forgetting that there were no trash cans around and OP just didn't randomly decide to spit it out on the floor. By the way it sounds, OP probably spent much time looking for a trash can and couldn't find one. While I think they should've swallowed the gum, OP didn't deserve to get manhandles. Just because someone does something frowned upon doesn't mean they "need some manhandling" or any physical action taken. There's this thing called talking? Actually spending some god damn time instead of resorting to something as trashy as violence?

ulissey_fml 22

So, did they chewse you for the job?

supersquirel500 10

don't litter it usually ends up on the bottom of someone else's shoe to ruin their day.

Why so many ydi's? Sure, she shouldn't have littered but that's absolutely no reason for any man to feel like he has the right to touch a woman without her permission. Period. Way to blame the victim, assholes.

But OP still didn't deserve to have gum put in her hair. Spitting the gum out obviously wasn't the best solution of course, but how much of an asshole do you have to be to put gum in a random persons hair?

I'm a feminist, but it hardly applies to the situation. "blaming the victim"? Seriously? I can't tell you how many times I've had to scrape gum off my shoe because some asshole couldn't be bothered to wrap it up with a paper or receipt, swallow it, or actually find a trash can (bc I'm sure op could have if she really looked). So please don't make this a social rights issue when it clearly isn't.

i hate when people like you make all femists look bad. for ***** sake stop being a sexist ass

Found the sexist feminazi. I CAN NOT STAND PEOPLE LIKE YOU. Gender wasn't even an issue in this situation FFS!

Clicked both 'YDI' And 'FYL' You deserved it for throwing it on the ground although I can not talk as I have previously done this ( hangs head in shame) but also FYL as you did not deserve to be treated like that.... Hope you was able to get the gum out your hair in the end OP

YDI. There is a 99% chance that there was one inside the building. And in the off chance that there wasn't, you could've hidden it under your tongue or swallowed it.

slutfactory 17

Better than it sticking to someone else's shoe. YDI

You should have walked into the interview, pointed at the gum and said "public transportation" and laughed. Interview = aced

I find it disturbing that a stranger would pick up someone's discarded gum. I can hardly handle touching my own chewed gum.