By burnnnnn - 22/02/2010 01:31 - Ecuador

Today, I was walking with a friend after buying two cups of steaming hot coffee. While crossing the busiest street in town I tripped and fell, spilling the coffee all over me. My friend didn't notice I fell right in front of her and tripped over me spilling her coffee on me as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 453
You deserved it 2 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I did this with boiling water... I have marks to prove it. if this occured in the morning that was a hell of a way to start your day

at least you didn't get run over... how is that for optimism?


emmy7116 0

I did the same stupid shit with a pot of freshly brewed coffee. My scar is on my shoulder.

ilstarwars 2

that would have been hilarious to watch xD

mr_miyagi 0

what does the street being the busiest one in town have to do with the story

Obviously it would be more crowded and tightly packed. More chances of an accident like tripping and falling to occur.

Kockdiesel 0

3rd spilled coffee fml in 2 days. ydi for not being original!

Attention FML Admins: You know what this site needs? Next to the "I agree, your life sucks" and "You totally deserved it", there needs to be a third option: "I LOL'ed" Get on it.

doglover_427 0

i don't know what's worse, the fact you got coffee all over you or the fact your friend didn't notice your fall. hahaha