By JackieD - 25/08/2014 18:05 - United States - Bellevue

Today, I was watching the movie Frozen with my 8 year old daughter. I had seen it before, so I sung along with some of the songs. My daughter put a finger over my lips, said "Shhhhhhhhut the fuck up," then turned back to the TV, giggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 103
You deserved it 16 230

Same thing different taste

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"Who sings that?" "The girl from Frozen!" "Yeahhh, let's keep it that way."

I'm a cashier and saw a kid about 9 or 10 tell his dad "**** you" when he wouldn't give him a quarter for the quarter machine then stormed off...the sad part is, he got his quarter eventually. Don't be that type of parent OP, please


MountainGiant87 15

She really doesn't like your singing. lol

hahaha!! gold! tell her off but surely u gotta laugh at it1

Slap her mouth, and turn the TV off. Discipline goes a long way. She will probably never speak to you like that again, but try to figure out where she heard that language.

TomeDr 24

If you're the one who normally drops the F-bomb, you might want to consider your speech around her.

As funny as that is, I really hope you stopped the movie right then and disciplined her. That is never ok.

pyromaniac69 4

That's some good parenting right there.

And that's when you turn off the movie and send her to bed

I registered only to be able to comment on this. Your daughter is awesome! You should be very proud of her sense of humour. Good job!

penguin_bitchez 15

well that's how she was raised. why are you so surprised?

How did you jump to that conclusion? When I was little, I heard cuss words from kids at school, kids at the playground, my older siblings, in movies, on tv, and in music. I didn't learn a single cuss word from hearing my parents use it.