By McChunky =( - 09/03/2009 08:25 - United States

Today, I was with my family at a buffet getting dessert. As I had my chocolate cake in hand, I grabbed an extra slice of cheesecake for my mom because I knew she would like a slice. Upon returning to my table, a couple walking behind me commented, "See, that's why Americans are so obese." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 053
You deserved it 9 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

&that's when you should have turned and said, "Actually, this cheesecake is for my mom, and American's are so obese because of restaraunts like this one and you are helping them stay open by eating here. Ever think about that?" and then just walked away. Some people, I swear.

Tucatz 0

"And nosy ignorant loudmouths like you are why the rest of the world hates Americans."


shoot, i can't edit! sorry, meant to say FATTEST not fastest obviously :(

OMGyoupeople 0

#15 i think you did right. #33 so its not ok for people to enjoy themselves if they are overweight? talk about being judgmental! i would have just told them that making assumptions is rude and you have no idea or right to judge others on any level. telling someone they are rude shuts them up without being rude yourself.

Why can't people just mind their own business? Unless you were shoving pieces of cake down their throats then they should just focus on their own issues.

Matsim 0

1. You shouldn't have been eating chocolate cake anyway, fatty. 2. Buffetts with desert? It cost a lot, I hope? If not, you're tacky.

I would have turned around and once I realized what they were I would of said something like "See, thats why brits have bad teeth" "see, thats why niggers stink" ******* bigots.

Yes, because all British people have big teeth? Someone watches a lot of Family Guy... And I know what your comment meant. Like don't judge a culture on media. But come on? Where did that even come from?

marinesgirl9 0

#37, eating chocolate cake is fine, in moderation of course. I hope you were joking. I'm 22, about 5'4" and I just reached above 115 lbs for the first time in my life. I've been eating chocolate cake, or chocolate anything, once a month since I was 11. It's not bad for you unless you eat WAY too much of it ALL the time. About being at a buffet, this person is with their family; when I go out to eat with my family, I don't have a choice, maybe he/she (sorry, no gender specifics) didn't either. I think this is a FML, whether this person is obese or not, people shouldn't be so rude.

mhartuf 0

Americans ARE obese and if more people were like these people and said things about it we would be less prone to continuing our DISGUSTING eating habits.

perfect response!: turn around looking like you were going to say something horribly nasty and then look shocked, look at her man and go "ooh, sorry didn't realize she was SPECIAL. almost gave her a piece of my mind there!" chuckle chuckle.

and then add to her, very slowly "Have fun with your caretaker!" of course this is all staircase wit. aww too late :(

Rude mother ******* should keep their comments to themselves.