By McChunky =( - 09/03/2009 08:25 - United States

Today, I was with my family at a buffet getting dessert. As I had my chocolate cake in hand, I grabbed an extra slice of cheesecake for my mom because I knew she would like a slice. Upon returning to my table, a couple walking behind me commented, "See, that's why Americans are so obese." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 046
You deserved it 9 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

&that's when you should have turned and said, "Actually, this cheesecake is for my mom, and American's are so obese because of restaraunts like this one and you are helping them stay open by eating here. Ever think about that?" and then just walked away. Some people, I swear.

Tucatz 0

"And nosy ignorant loudmouths like you are why the rest of the world hates Americans."


Americans ARE fat. and obese. YDI. Lose some weight fatties, you guys lead the world in obesity, AND YOU ELECTED Bush. the best part? You did it twice. Useless bastards.

Uuuuhh actually we didn't elect Bush. At least not in 2000. The majority of people made the smart choice and voted for Gore. And I sincerely doubt that whatever country you are from has never elected a stupid leader.

DareToDream7 0

Um, actually, yeah, you did elect Bush twice. Hence why he was president for 8 years.. Sure, Al Gore should have won and he probably would have if they had a re-count, with the whole "rigged" counting thing but still, the fact remains, enough people re-elected Bush to make him president for another 4 years. So, I don't know if you were in a coma for the Bush's second term or if you're just stupid but Al Gore was never president, you re-elected Bush. But nice try with the whole "We didn't elect Bush." argument. Maybe you would have won! If, you know, you actually DIDN'T elect Bush. And I'm from Canada, we haven't had any truly stupid leaders in my life time. Unlike you :)

EriccaLuv 0

Not all Americans are fat...Some of us make good choices and DO try to decrease obesity but some people are ignorant and don't care about their health.

#55. Fat and obese? Kinda redundant. And the they deserve it for being American? You're a huge asshole. As if people can help where they're born.

55, way to generalize-you're a bigot. And you say that next statement about Bush as if EVERY American voted for him..if you knew how the voting system works, you'd realize how ******* stupid that statement was. I hope you choke on your next meal.

Ha Ha burn, it's soooooooooooooooo true!

weman321 0

This is why Americans are so stupid, they post dumb shit like this.

haha i just thought of a good comeback for that, unlike the person that commented way up when you hear her say that you go up to her/him and say "actually, i was saving this piece for you." then shove it in their face. :)

so sorry it happened to you the woman was a jerk. btw, not to sounds harsh or anything but when I was little and moved to the U.S. from Europe, the first thing I noticed is how big people were, so everyone here who says it's all stereotype.... it isn't. Of course not all Americans are fat, but there are more fat/very fat/obese people here than I've seen in Europe for sure.