By Zamaria - 02/10/2009 22:23 - France

Today, I was woken up from a nap by my cat attacking my face. Evidently, my husband thought it would be funny to shine a laser pointer on my cheek. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 748
You deserved it 3 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I think it would be funny to shine the laser pointer at his balls the next time he sleeps naked.


xxguitarxchick 0

HAHA! that's funny, the cat thought it was totally funny. Lololol!

haha that is so funny. I'm sorry it must suck for you but thats hilarious!

X0WestyX0 0

wow you're husbands a jerk if a guy did that to me i'd take the laser and point it right in between his legs XD

yeah, when i was a kid, i did almost the same thing to my dad. except i was only trying to get the cat to go closer to my dad's head and i threw a straw (because he likes to chase those) and my cat attacked his head in the process of getting the straw. lol.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I'm so sorry for you! but that sounds really funny! and defintely sounds like something I would do

Ketsuhime 0

.....mmmmm.....yeah fail....

scotty1234 0
