By calli - 25/12/2009 21:21 - United Kingdom

Today, I was working at the Soup Kitchen handing out special christmas dinners to the homeless. At the end of the day I collected my things and went home. It was only then I discovered that my wallet, phone, pager and (for some reason) my glasses has been stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 462
You deserved it 4 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

muffinsareyummy 1

this is exactly why i hate people. i don't care if you're homeless or not, i hate everyone. you take time out of your day to do something nice for someone and they spit right in your face. what is this fuckery?

negative_creep 0


There's this absolutely amazing invention called Google. I see you do not accept taking advantage of it's oracular and omniscient qualities. This new-fangled thing is what I advise you use in the times you require knowledge. Okay, now onto the subject: OP, why did you leave your stuff next to a bunch of people that have nothing? Your participation of serving soup to the homeless was probably appreciated by most, but you must realise, when you can take advantage of something (#13 is slowly learning to take advantage of Google, I see . . .) it is human nature to make an act. However moral it may be. Furthermore, do you not keep your stuff with you normally? You should always be close to your luggage and possessions , regardless of how aware you are of your surroundings and how much you trust the people around you.

kimmiekimmiekong 0

really u don't know what a pager is????? wow if u dont know what a pager is ur not old enough to be on here.. just saying!

I had a feeling that people who were on this app at the time this story was written were at least old enough to probably remember pagers. I guess I was wrong.

Yeah, this is a FYL, for sure, but see it from the homeless eyes. It's a F their L too.

DeliciousDave 0

YDI for trusting people, this shows you that homeless people will accept your help but they will stab you in the back if it suites them.

What do you want to bet that it wasn't even one of the homeless people?

I am absolutely disgusted that most people are jumping to the conclusion that it was someone who is e homeless that stole your possessions. There are a lot of people who would be working at the soup kitchen as well and it could have been anyone of them. I have worked in various shelters for 3+ years and have never had anything stolen from me. People need to stop being so prejudicial and realize that people who are not homeless are just as likely to steal as those who are. From experience, your belongings would not be in an area where your clientele would have access to, which makes it more likely that it was a co-worker who stole your belongings.

"I have worked in various shelters for 3+ years and have never had anything stolen from me." What does that prove? All it says is the people you helped were different. That is no way to tell us that it's unlikely the homeless stole from her. Also, if you have nothing - if you sleep in the cold without much coin - hungry, possibly in the rain would you steal from people? If you had a rather nice life, a mobile phone, a relatively nice apartment would you need to steal your colleague's glasses and phone? We cannot prove anything . . . Admittedly. I doubt a colleague would have any need for such items, and therefore would not need to steal them, which is why it's logical to assume one of the homeless people stole the items. Sorry, if I seemed slightly aggressive. :S

Nightlilies, if you've worked with homeless people for over 3 years and they haven't tried to steal any of your stuff, that says more about the quality of your possessions than it does about the integrity of the homeless people. In other words... your stuff is so undesirable that apparently not even homeless people want it.

jennay8288 1