By calli - 25/12/2009 21:21 - United Kingdom

Today, I was working at the Soup Kitchen handing out special christmas dinners to the homeless. At the end of the day I collected my things and went home. It was only then I discovered that my wallet, phone, pager and (for some reason) my glasses has been stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 462
You deserved it 4 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

muffinsareyummy 1

this is exactly why i hate people. i don't care if you're homeless or not, i hate everyone. you take time out of your day to do something nice for someone and they spit right in your face. what is this fuckery?

negative_creep 0


Cerauno 0

That really sucks, but like pretty everyone else has said, you should have kept your belongings with you or in a place you were absolutely sure was secure. Karma must hate your guts.

people suck, but bless those who curse you

wat planet do you live on that you still have pages

I have no idea why, but this FML made me feel terrified. O-o &&, OP. I'm sorry. But as other people have said, don't blame the homeless automatically, just because most other people are. But in future, you'll know to keep your belongings in your car, or on your person. xx

Comentator 0

YDI...they are homeless and have nothing. They will take anything that isn't bolted down no matter what country you live in.

leadrunner751 3

that sux don't serve soup to any of those bastards

Thejordan 0

why do u have a phone and a pager?